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Visual Feast

Contemporary Food Staging and Photography
Cover: Visual Feast
Die Gestalten Verlag, Berlin 2017
ISBN 9783899556957
Gebunden, 240 Seiten, 39,90 EUR


In englischer Sprache. We eat with our eyes. People love to stage and take photos of their food. Driven by Instagram and the advertising industry, bloggers, stylists, and photographers continually invent new ways of presenting food as both delectable and radical. Visual Feast presents work nonpareil from this growing scene. Sharing photos of food has become entrenched in our daily lives. Scintillating captures of coffee. Maps made from vegetables. The aesthetic aftermath of mealtime. These images can be readily found on social media, in magazine editorials, or transformed into infographics. Visual Feast reveals a world where food is a work of art and an edible eccentricity. It is a rich visual journey through nourishment, art form, and creative medium. Food photographers and stylists create innovative images that make mouths water, eyes widen, and nostrils inhale imagined scents. Quenching creative curiosities and satisfying even the keenest of artistic palettes, Visual Feast is a tome of inspiration for foodies, food bloggers, and discerning food stylists.

Rezensionsnotiz zu Süddeutsche Zeitung, 23.10.2017

Bernd Graff kriegt Hunger beim Anschauen der "Food-Porn"-Fotos in diesem Bildband. Wir sind, was wir essen, erinnert er sich und erklärt sich damit die Flut der Bilder vom Essen im Internet. Die Fotos im Band sind freilich spektakulärer, lässt Graff wissen, stilsicher, radikal und nicht "nur" appetitanregend, meint er. Wie sich etwa künstliche Intelligenzen ein Festmahl vorstellen, kann er hier sehen (Eric Wert). Oder er fällt rein auf das leckere Finish von Haarspray und Schuhcreme in den Aufnahmen von Sandy Suffield.
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